Happy Christmas 2020


Wishing you all, a safe & healthy Christmas 

Goodbye 2020 - We fought you hard & won

We are all fingers crossed for a better 2021 and return to normality.
2020 was very hard on you our patients and our staff, and we would like to say thank you for putting up with the ever changing landscape.
Having said that and despite the difficulties we had an amazing year of growth and development. 

The mammoth refurbishment 

January 2020 started with huge refurbishment program 

We had fun with PPE

We won prizes and celebrated

What is in store for 2021?

COVID 19 is still going to be a big player in 2021, however we are prepared. As of 1st of January all of our team will be tested for COVID twice a week. So our patients should feel safer when visiting the practice. Like everyone else we are hopeful for the arrival of the vaccine. 

New products & services

As in 2020 we will keep pushing to innovate and bring new products and services for our patients. 

- Our dental Careplan - a monthly scheme to better oral health
- Improved hygiene service with more available appointments
- Focus on prevention & oral health 
- Invisalign open days - getting a better more beautiful smile
- Tooth whitening open days for sparkle smile
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