Rewarding our staff - Oct 20

We have been thinking long and hard about how we can recognise excellence and say thank you to our staff for the hard work that they do supporting the business, supporting each other and of course our patients. So we have decided that once a month we will have a “celebrating success” lunch at the practice. We will review positives from the last 30 days (there is too much focus on negatives in the world right now), hear about great work that is going on across the practice, and be proud of the work that we do everyday and the fantastic team that we have. We will pick winners and gift 🎁 them a gift from a local Godalming business. 

Afternoon tea for two

Our lovely receptionist Frankie Saunders wins a afternoon tea for two for the amazing customer service that she is providing to our patients. 

Farnkie Saunders

A wine tasting session

Katie Mitchell started her dental nurse training with us back in July of this year and in such a short period she has made amazing progress. Learning fast and picking up the skills quickly. Well done Katie.